tisdag 29 juni 2010

Music - Brian Wilson's New Project

While I'm spending most of my time at the Peace & Love Festival here in Borlänge, Sweden, I thought I would update the blog with a little music tip.
My long time favorite Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys, is doing a new project. His last big project; the completion of the legendary 'SMiLE' album (2004), (which I will later review) was honey for my soul. I instantly fell in love with Brian listening to 'SMiLE' and has awaited his new big project ever since. It was announced in 2009, I think, that Brian would be doing a George Gershwin album. He was going to put his trademark sound on some of his Gershwin favorites, and also do two "collaborations"; by completing two unfinished Gershwin songs. Happy news! Guess who will be buying the album on August 17? I can barely wait.
Want a sneak peak? Go to Brian's website and sign up for the email list and you will get a link to the beautiful 'The Like In I Love You'.


torsdag 24 juni 2010

Góðan daginn! (Good Day in icelandic)

The blog is up and I'm ready to go. This is how I plan to structure things in the future: each post will center around a specific record (from my collection) which I will introduce to you and share my views on it. I will share details on the record itself (for the vinyl geeks) and also on the music.

Hope you will enjoy the ride!
